Bosch Rexroth pomaga obnavljati poškodovane gozdove na Krasu
V požaru na Krasu, največjem v zgodovini Slovenije, je bilo poškodovanih 3.704 ha površin, od tega kar 2.902 ha gozdov. Požar je skoraj 1000 ha gozdov uničil do te mere, da bo potrebna obnova s sadnjo sadik gozdnega drevja in setvijo semena. Na najbolj prizadetih območjih, kjer ni možnosti, da bi se gozdovi obnovili po naravni poti, je potrebno bodočemu gozdu pomagati pomagamo s setvijo semena in s sadnjo sadik avtohtonih toploljubnih listavcev. Ogolele gozdne površine so izpostavljene eroziji prsti, hitremu zmanjševanju njihove rodovitnosti in širjenju invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst. Pomena hitre obnove gozda in velike vloge, ki jih gozdovi imajo za ohranitev našega naravnega okolja, se zelo dobro zaveda tudi podjetje Bosch Rexroth. Zato Bosch Rexroth podpira obnovo gozdov na Krasu tako finančno za nakup sadik kot tudi neposredno na terenu, in sicer s sajenjem drevesnih sadik s svojo ekipo zaposlenih.
Direktor Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije Gregor Danev je ob podpisu pogodbe izrazil zahvalo in zadovoljstvo, da so v Bosch Rexrothu prepoznali potrebo po hitri obnovi prizadetih gozdov. "Za obnovo so ključna prva leta, preden področje preraste grmovje in invazivne tujerodne rastlinske vrste, ki tako odprtost površin hitro izkoristijo za razmnožitev, njihovo odstranjevanje in zatiranje pa je dolgotrajno in zahtevno. Gozdno drevje ima v takih primerih slabše možnosti za uspešen razrast, saj jih zadušijo hitrorastoče invazivne rastline. Zato sadimo sadike domačih vrst hrastov, javorjev in lip, ki so prilagojene na rast na zahtevnih kraških tleh in bodo hitreje zapolnile ogolele površine."
Tudi direktor slovenske izpostave Bosch Rexroth Martin Andreas Hansen je dejal: "Slovenija je tako lepa dežela in kot veliko industrijsko podjetje svojo okoljsko odgovornost jemljemo zelo resno. Čeprav aktivnost pogozdovanja ni edini projekt, na katerega se osredotočamo za zaščito našega okolja, je vsekakor eden najpomembnejših. Poleg tega da smo pobudo finančno podprli, se še posebej veselimo, da bomo z našo vodstveno ekipo tudi sami aktivno preživeli dan z zasajanjem dreves."
Bosch Rexroth is helping to restore damaged forests in the Karst
The restoration of forests that were damaged in a large fire in the Karst in 2022 is being carried out according to the program set out in the Plan for the Rehabilitation of Damaged Forests in the Goriška and partly Komen Karst. The company Bosch Rexroth also offered help with the renovation.
In the fire in the Karst, the largest in the history of Slovenia, 3,704 ha of land was damaged, of which 2,902 ha were forests. The fire destroyed almost 1,000 ha of forest to the extent that it will be necessary to restore it by planting forest tree seedlings and sowing seeds. In the most affected areas, where there is no possibility for forests to regenerate naturally, it is necessary to help the future forest by sowing seeds and planting seedlings of native heat-loving deciduous trees. Bare forest areas are exposed to soil erosion, a rapid decrease in their fertility and the spread of invasive non-native plant species. Bosch Rexroth is also very well aware of the importance of rapid forest regeneration and the great role that forests play in preserving our natural environment. That is why Bosch Rexroth is supporting the restoration of forests in the Karst financially and by planting tree seedlings themselves with their management team.
At the signing of the contract, Director of the Slovenian Forestry Institute, Gregor Danev, expressed his gratitude and satisfaction that Bosch Rexroth recognized the need for rapid restoration of the affected forests. "The first years are crucial for restoration, before the area is overgrown with bushes and invasive non-native plant species, which quickly take advantage of the open areas for reproduction, and their removal and suppression is long and demanding. In such cases, forest trees have worse chances for successful growth, as they are suffocated by fast-growing invasive plants. That's why we plant saplings of native species of oak, maple and linden, which are adapted to grow on demanding karst soils and will fill bare areas faster."
The director of the Slovenian branch of Bosch Rexroth, Martin Andreas Hansen, also said: "Slovenia is such a beautiful country and as a big industrial company we take our environmental responsibility very seriously. While the reforestation initiative is not the only project we focus on to protect our beautiful environment, it is definitely one of the most important ones. We especially look forward to becoming active ourselves and spending a whole day planting trees with our management team, in addition to supporting this initiative financially."